Mad Catz GameShark 2 User Manual
Page 14

a) Game Saves
Select the GameShark Memory Manager/ Game Saves option from ’s Main Menu.
The Memory Manager/ Game Saves screen will now appear. It looks like this.
Game Controller Controls
R2 - Select GameShark Memory Manager panel.
L2 - Select Game Saves panel.
UP - Move up one Game Save.
DOWN - Move down one Game Save.
SELECT - Bring up the help screen.
Game Controller Controls when on Game Saves (Left Panel)
CIRCLE - View Game Save description.
CROSS - Copy Game save from the disc to a memory card.
Game Controller Controls when on Memory Manager (Right Panel)
R2 - Toggle between memory card 1 and memory card 2.
CROSS - Copy highlighted save to the other PS2 memory card (If one is inserted).
CIRCLE - View highlighted Game Save details.
TRIANGLE - Delete highlighted Game Save (You will be asked to confirm this
SQUARE - zip/ un-zip highlighted save. (A zipped save cannot be zipped again)
L1 + TRIANGLE - Format PS2 memory card (You will be asked to confirm this
Tip: Press “SELECT” on your game controller to bring up the help screen.
USB Keyboard Controls
RIGHT (arrow-key) - Select GameShark Memory Manager panel.
LEFT (arrow-key) - Select game saves panel.
UP (arrow-key) - Move up one game save.
DOWN (arrow-key) - Move down one game save.
F1 - Bring up the help screen.
USB Keyboard Controls when on Game Saves (Left Panel)
I - View game save description.
C - Copy game save from the disc to a memory card.
USB Keyboard Controls when on Memory Manager (Right Panel)
RIGHT (arrow-key) - Toggle between memory card 1 and memory card 2.
C - Copy highlighted save to the other PS2 memory card (If one is inserted).
GameShark V4 Tin UG English 10/24/03 4:55 PM Page 14