Mad Catz GameShark 2 User Manual
Page 10

between upper and lower case characters.
6. Once the desired cheat description has been entered, press the “START”
button to confirm or if you wish to cancel and exit the "Add New Cheat" screen
without saving, press the "O" button on your game controller.
USB Keyboard
1. Use the “UP” & “DOWN” arrow-keys to highlight the game name you added,
then press “RIGHT” arrow-key on the USB keyboard and you will be taken to the
cheat browser screen.
2. Press the “INSERT” button on your USB keyboard to add a new cheat
3. Use the USB keyboard as you would with a normal keyboard to enter a cheat
description. You will only be able to enter the characters available on the virtual
4. If you wish to delete a character press the “DELETE” or “BACKSPACE” key on
the USB keyboard.
5. To move along the characters in the Cheat Description one at a time press the
“LEFT” or “RIGHT” arrow-keys on the USB keyboard. To move to the start or the
end of the Cheat Description use the “HOME” or “END” keys.
6. Once the desired Cheat Description has been entered, press the “RETURN” or
“ENTER” key on the USB keyboard to confirm or if you wish to cancel and exit
the "Add New Cheat" screen without saving, press the "ESCAPE" button on your
game controller.
Tip: See the "Obtaining New Codes" section of this manual for details of where to
find new codes for your GameShark
2 Version 4.
The Help bar is always displayed at the bottom of the screen when entering with
the virtual keyboard.
e) Adding Cheat Codes to an Existing Game Title
The Cheat Code is the most important part of the cheating process. Please ensure
you enter the Cheat Code (s) correctly or the cheat may not work. (See
To add cheat codes to an existing game title, follow the steps below.
Game Controller
1. Use “UP” & “DOWN” on the D-Pad to highlight select game from the main menu
and press the “CROSS” button on your controller. This will take you to the select
game screen.
2. Use “UP” & “DOWN” on the D-Pad to highlight the existing game title you want
to add cheats to, then press “RIGHT” on the D-Pad. This will take you to the
cheat descriptions screen.
3. Press the “CIRCLE” button on the cheat description screen. This will let you add
a new cheat description.
4. Add a new cheat description.
5. Press the “START” button on your controller.
6. Press “RIGHT” on the D-Pad.
7. To add a new cheat code press the “CIRCLE” button. You will now see the
“Enter Cheat Code” screen.
8. To enter the cheat code use the D-Pad on your controller to highlight a character
and press “CROSS”. (You will notice there are only characters 0-9 and A-F).
9. If you wish to delete a character press the “TRIANGLE” button on your controller.
GameShark V4 Tin UG English 10/24/03 4:55 PM Page 10