Manitowoc Ice K00141 User Manual
Manitowoc Ice Freezers

Installation Instructions
1. The K00141 kit is used for installing a Q-0320, Q-0420, and 22" S-series ice machines on a Manitowoc S-series 30”
(76 cm.) wide bin or Q-series 30” (76 cm.) wide Manitowoc dispenser or bin.
2. Installation (bin or dispenser must be level before starting):
A. Remove existing foam tape from top of bin or dispenser. When installing a K00141 on a Manitowoc dispenser,
remove the gray side trim pieces on the top sides of the dispenser.
B. Place support angle on bin or dispenser, as shown, prior to adapter installation. Locate foam tape from kit in the
(A) positions on top of bin, as shown. Note locations of narrow and wide tape.
C. Place adapters on bin or dispenser, as shown. Make sure the two holes from the support angle and adapters are
aligned on the side.
D. Using the adapters as templates, drill three 5/32” (4 mm.) holes, .500” (12.7 mm.) deep maximum, in bin or
dispenser. Warning: Do not drill through interior liner. Attach with 10-24 x .500” screws provided.
E. Apply foam tape to the edge of the adapters and on the front and back of the bin or dispenser between the adapters
in the (B) positions. Note: It is recommended to RTV intersections and along front inside edge of foam tape (see
drawing) to prevent water tracking.
3. Refer to ice machine installation manual for ice machine installation procedures.
Manitowoc Ice, Inc.
2110 South 26
Street, P.O. Box 1720, Manitowoc, WI 54221-1720 USA
Telephone 920-682-0161, Fax - Sales: 920-683-7589, Service/Parts: 920-683-7585, Other: 920-683-7879 8011123
Web Site - Rev. 05/12/04
(A) Locate Narrow Foam
Tape Between Bin and
(B) Wide Foam Tape
(from Kit)
Installer: It is Recommended to
RTV Intersections and Along
Front Inside Edge of Foam Tape
to Prevent Water Tracking
Support Angle
(A) Wide Foam Tape,
Two Places, Approx. 2”
(B) Wide Foam Tape