Manitowoc Ice 7600143 User Manual

Manitowoc Ice Freezers

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7600143 - 48” Q-Model Ice Machines Mylar Strip

Installation Instructions

Install Mylar Strip between Evaporator and Bulkhead

Mylar will cover the joint where the bulkhead attaches to the base. It will extend from the left sidewall past the water
inlet fitting.

1. Remove screws (right and left side) that secure the evaporator to the bulkhead.
2. Remove three screws located between the evaporator and water inlet line. Remove the screw holding the water inlet


3. Determine bin switch wire location and cut a slot in the top edge of the Mylar strip (adhesive edge = top).
4. Apply silicone sealant at the bin switch wire entrance and the left side corner (4” each direction) where the base and

bulkhead meet.

5. Pull evaporator away from bulkhead. Place bottom of Mylar strip in sump trough and slip up behind evaporator

(align slot cut in step 3 with bin switch wire). Mylar must extend above bottom evaporator mounting screw
(approximately 2” above gasket/bulkhead joint).

6. Remove paper backing from Mylar. Apply tension to Mylar and work toward the ends to eliminate wrinkles as the

tape is pressed to the bulkhead.

7. Align evaporator extrusion and bulkhead screw holes; puncture Mylar for the bottom screw holes and insert screws.

Install all remaining evaporator screws.

8. Puncture Mylar and insert screws removed in step 2.

Manitowoc Ice, Inc.

2110 South 26


Street, P.O. Box 1720, Manitowoc, WI 54221-1720 USA

Telephone 920-682-0161, Fax - Sales: 920-683-7589, Service/Parts: 920-683-7585, Other: 920-683-7879 8005543
Web Site - Rev. 05/08/03