Multi-Tech Systems RF102S User Manual

Page 20

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RouteFinder Quick Start Guide


The final step in configuring your RF102S for basic

operations is to enter the model and DTE baudrate of the

modem you are using. This is an important setting that

determines the DTE baudrate or speed of communication

between the RF102S’s ports and your modem or ISDN TA.
Select your modem and baudrate as described on the

following pages.
Note: If you do not have a modem or ISDN TA attached to

the RouteFinder ports, use the default modem values.

11. To select your modem, in the Modem settings box, click

. The system loads modem information.

12. The Modem Initial Command dialog box displays.

Select your modem manufacturer and model and click OK.
Note: This setting configures the initial string of the

asynchronous port on the RF102S so that it will know how

to communicate with your modem. If you are using an

analog modem and your modem is not included in the

selection list, in most cases, Standard Modem will work.

If you are using an ISDN TA, refer to the ISDN TA’s User

Guide for information on the initialization and hang up

strings. Use RouteFinder Manager to enter your modem or

TA strings.