Monarch Instrument 6037 User Manual
Page 3

Quick Reference 3
A d j u s t i n g t h e D i s p l a y C o n t r a s t
You can lighten or darken the display using the LCD contrast buttons at the
bottom of the keypad.
Press the
(left arrow) to lighten the display.
Press the
(right arrow) to darken the display.
L o a d i n g S u p p l i e s
Turn on the printer. The application starts running.
Maneuver to the point in the application where you are prompted to load
the supplies.
Press the latch buttons and open the
supply cover.
Open the spring-loaded supply holder.
Place the supply roll in the supply holder
so that the supply feeds from the bottom.
Load the supplies for the printing mode
you want: Peel or Non-Peel mode.
S u p p l y
H o l d e r
L a t c h
B u t t o n s
S u p p l y
C o v e r