Mace DVR0404RW User Manual

Page 16

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2. Recording

The default recording mode after startup of the DVR is 24 hr continuous recording for each channel. The

User can program customized recording times for each camera. Instructions for the different recording modes are

as follows:

a) Timing Recording:

· Enter the menu, and set the timing period for the recording. See details at Menu>System setting>Timing

b) Manual Record Selection

· Press “Record” button on the remote controller or “Rec” on the front panel.

· Check the status of each channel in the recording menu; The Highlighted channels are in record mode.

· To select the channel to be recorded, press the related number key. Selected camera # will highlight on

your screen. When all cameras that need to be recorded are selected, press Enter to begin the recording.

· Repeat above steps and remove the highlight to stop the camera from recording. ·Press Cancel or ESC to

return without changes.

c) Alarm recording

· Connect the alarm input according to the device connection and the instructions.

·Program the related settings in the menu to start Alarm recording. See details at Menu>System

setting>Alarm setting

d) Motion detection recording

· Record the channel only in need of motion detection. First confirm whether this channel is programmed in

Timing Recording; if it is, please turn off Timing Recording for the selected Camera..

· Program the related settings in the menu to start Motion detection recording. See details at

Menu>System setting>Motion detection.

3. Alarm connection operation