11. selecting synergic mig welding – Miller Electric XMS 44 User Manual

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4-11. Selecting Synergic MIG Welding

Set Synergic MIG welding process on the

power source. L7 is ON.
In Synergic MIG mode, the operator may

need to adjust welding data (wire type, wire

diameter, and gas type) and only one weld

parameter. Generally, wire feed speed is

adjusted and the synergic process auto-

matically sets appropriate weld voltage.

Synergic welding also sets many secon-

dary welding parameters automatically for

improved weld quality.
Trim parameter appears on D1 and D2:
D1 value is default trim setting of 0.0 T

(range is −5.0 T to 5.0 T).
D2 value is default wire feed speed setting

of 5.0 m/min (minimum (MIN), maximum

(MAX), or default (DEF) values are arbi-

trary based on set welding data). Use P2

and E2 to change this display to amperes

or to the thickness of the material.
While Setting Parameters:
- L2 ON means that D1 shows Trim value.
- L3 ON means that D2 shows the wire

speed in meter/min or inch/min.
- L4 ON means that D2 shows the set weld-

ing current in amperes.
- L5 ON means that D2 shows the thick-

ness of material to weld.
While Welding:
- D1 shows the measured welding voltage

in Volts. L1 is ON.
- D2 shows the measured welding current

in amperes. L4 is ON.
Set wire speed, welding current or material

thickness and welding voltage with E2 and

Select trigger mode using P1 pushbutton

(see Section 4-4).
If necessary, use P2 to adjust the welding

Purge air from gun hose using P3 pushbut-

ton (see Section 4-8).

Setting Trim
D1 value is default trim setting of 0.0 T

(range is −5.0 T to 5.0 T).
Trim is an arbitrary value related to MIG arc

length. Higher values produce a longer and

hotter arc. Lower values produce a shorter

and cooler arc. Recommended value for

trim is default setting or near 0.0T. L2 is On.
Synergic MIG Welding Advanced Set-

To change all values list, unit must be SET-

UP FULL. To set unit to SETUP FULL, pro-

ceed as follows:
Press P2 to enter SET UP menu.
Select SETUP FULL on D1 and D2 (see

Section 4-6).
Setting Main Welding Regulations
Enter SET UP and select rEG on D1 with

D2 shows the main parameter and E2

changes it.
When D2 shows SPE (wire speed) the

main regulation is the speed of the welding

wire. L3 is ON.
When D2 shows A (ampere) the main regu-

lation is the welding current in Amperes. L4

is ON.
When D2 shows thc (thickness) the main

regulation is the material thickness in mm.

L5 is ON.


The modification to the main welding
regulation is confirmed when exiting

the Set Up Menu.


The measured welding current can be
different from the set value. This differ-

ence can be greater if there are

changes on the default parameters

and if the welding conditions are not

conventional. Setting amperage must

be considered a reference.


Material thickness setting is a refer-
ence value only.

Setting Inductance
Press P2 to enter SET UP menu.
Use E1 to select on D1 ind. D2 shows 100.
If necessary, use E2 to adjust inductance

value (range is 1% to 200%).


Higher inductance setting produces a
softer weld puddle and less spatter, but

arc starts may be more difficult. Lower

inductance setting produces a stiffer

weld puddle and more spatter, but arc

starts may be easier.

Wire Feed Speed Unit (only in SETUP

See Section 4-10.
Setting Pre−Gas (only in SETUP FULL)
See Section 4-10.
Setting Post-Gas (only in SETUP FULL)
See Section 4-10.
Setting Burnback (only in SETUP FULL)
See Section 4-10.
Setting Run-In (only in SETUP FULL)
See Section 4-10.
Setting 3 Level Trigger Mode (only in

Use E1 to change D1 to 3L.1
D2 value is the default setting of 130%

(range is 20% to 200%).
Use E2 to change D2 value.
Use E1 to change D1 to 3L.2
D2 value is the default setting of 80%

(range is 20% to 200%).
Use E2 to change D2 value.
Use E1 to change D1 to 3L.r
D2 value is the default setting of 0.5 s

(range is 0.1 s to 0.5 s).
This value is the ramp time in seconds to

reach the following level wire speed.












