Meade Instruments LX90-LNT User Manual
Page 34

Writing a Tour
Using the list of commands listed above, a custom tour can be created. Placing the word AUTO
SELECT before any of the command lines activates Automatic Mode and, when selected,
AutoStar automatically searches and finds the designated object.
The following is a list of command lines, complete with keywords and necessary strings:
Title must be the first keyword in your tour after any comment lines and must be 15 characters
or less. AutoStar displays this title when "Guided Tour" is selected from the menus.
For example: TITLE "A Star's Life"
TEXT "title string" "description string"
This command allows you to display a text title and description.
USER ra dec "title string" "description string"
This command line allows you to access a specific object with your own description. Enter
USER, then the RA and DEC of a desired object, and its title and description. Use the format
described in the Command Line section.
The following commands specify objects that are already in the AutoStar database. If these
commands follow the command AUTO SELECT, the object's title displays on line 1 and its
description scrolls across line 2.
Do not add a description string after the following command lines; these commands access
objects with existing description in the AutoStar database.
NGC xxxx
Enter NGC followed by the desired New General Catalog number and AutoStar provides the
user with a description of the object from its database. For example: NGC 4256
IC xxxx
Enter IC followed by the desired Index Catalog number and AutoStar provides the user with a
description of the object from its database. For example: IC 1217
SAO xxxxxx
Enter SAO followed by the desired SAO number and AutoStar provides the user with a
description of the object from its database. For example: SAO 30200
Messier xxx
Enter MESSIER followed by the desired Messier number and AutoStar provides the user with
a description of the object from its database. For example: M 101
Enter CALDWELL followed by the Caldwell number and AutoStar provides the user with a
description of the object from its database. For example: CALDWELL 17
PLANET "name"
Enter PLANET and then the name of the desired planet in quotes. AutoStar provides the user
with a description of the selected planet from its database. For example: PLANET "Pluto"
This command accesses information about the Moon from the AutoStar database.
Enter SATELLITE and then the name of the desired satellite in quotes. AutoStar displays
information about the satellite from its database. For example: SATELLITE: "Intl Space Stn"