Monessen Hearth Super B-Vent Gas Fireplace 7000 Series User Manual

Page 35

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1. Glass Soots

A. Flame impingement

on logs

Install log set per the instructions

Inspect the injector and air intake area. Make sure this area
does not have any blockage from debris and clean.

Check gas supply

2. Poor draft due to


A. Too much offset.

Reduce offset and/or raise termination.

B. Too many elbows

Reduce number of elbows

C. Vent height too short

Raise vent

D. Vent too close to

roof line

Raise vent

E. Blockage is

restricting venting

Remove blockage

F. Incorrect vent type

Replace with proper B-Vent

G. Venting has been

constructed with too
large or too small

Replace with proper size

H. More than one

appliance is using
one venting system.

Construct a single venting system for each appliance

3. Poor draft due to

termination cap.

A. Cap obstructed by a

decorative enclosure.

Remove or open enclosure or raise cap above it.

B. Cap is crushed,

damaged or missing.

Replace cap

4. Poor draft due to

ext. environment.

A. Buildings, trees, roof

lines interfering with

Maintain proper clearances and heights to external
obstructions; Beware of overhangs.

B. Wind

Use cap designed for high winds; raise venting height.

C. Vent exposed to cold


Insulate chase.

D. Vent exposed to cold


Enclose vent within home.

5. Poor draft due to


A. Negative air pressure.

To test for negative air pressure, open a window in the room
with the fireplace to see if the unit starts drafting correctly.

Make sure the damper system is in the open position.

6. Unit shuts down


A. Blockage or

restriction in venting.

Check for and remove blockage and light pilot following
lighting instructions.

B. Damper system


Open damper system and light pilot following lighting

If damper system will not operate, call contractor.