Mode set/check commands – Maxtor 52049H3 User Manual

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Mode Set/Check Commands

Mode Set/Check Commands

Mode Set/Check Commands

Mode Set/Check Commands

Mode Set/Check Commands

Set Features Mode

Set Features Mode

Set Features Mode

Set Features Mode

Set Features Mode

Enables or disables features supported by the drive. When the drive receives this command it:

1. Sets BSY,
2. Checks the contents of the Features register,
3. Clears BSY and
4. Generates an interrupt.

If the value of the register is not a feature supported by the drive, the command is aborted.
The acceptable values in the Features register are defined as follows:



02 h

Enab led Wri te Cache

03 h

Se t Transfer Mod e ba se d on va lue i n Sector Count r egi ster

05 h

Ena ble Advance d Power Manageme nt

42 h

Enable Auto matic Acousti c Management. The se ctor co unt r egi ste r c ontai ns the
Auto mati c Ac ous ti c Man ag ement leve l.



F Fh

Maxtor specifi c


Maxi mum p erforma nce

81h-FD h

Inte rmed i ate acousti c manag ement levels

80 h

Mi ni mum aco usti c e ma na tion le vel

00 h- 7 Fh


44 h

Le ngth of data append ed on Read Long/Wr i te L ong co mmand s sp eci fie d in the
Id entify D evi ce i nfor ma ti o n

55 h

Disable Re ad Lo ok-ahe ad feature

66 h

Di sa ble re ver ting to Powe r-on defaults

82 h

D i sabl e Write Cache

85 h

Disa ble Ad vanced Po wer Mana gement


Enab le Read L ook-a hea d fea ture


4 bytes of Maxtor speci fic data app end ed on Read Long /W ri te Lo ng co mma nds


D i sable Au to ma ti c Acousti c Ma nageme nt

CC h

Ena ble rever tin g to Power- on defaults

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