Multi-Tech Systems MT2834BL User Manual
Multi-Tech Systems Hardware
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 How To Use This Manual
- 1.3 Modem Features
- 1.3.1 MT2834BA/BL Series Features
- 1.4 Fax Features
- 1.5 Technical Specifications
- 1.6 Power
- 1.7 Modem LED Indicators
- 1.8 Controls on PC Board
- Chapter 2 - Installation and Connection
- 2.1 What Is in Your Modem Package?
- 2.2 Installation
- 2.2.1 Safety Warnings
- 2.2.2 Installation Procedure
- 2.3 Installing PhoneTools, the Data Communications Software
- 2.4 Is Your Modem Ready for Use?
- Chapter 3 - Software Configuration and Modem Basics
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Configuring Your Software
- 3.2.1 ConfiguringSoftware for Your Modem
- 3.3 PC Initialization Strings
- 3.3.1 Changing Default Parameters
- 3.3.2 Other Parameters
- 3.4 Configuring Software for Your Computer
- 3.5 Modem Basics
- 3.5.1 Simple Operations
- 3.6 The Answer/Originate - Voice/Data Toggle Switch
- Chapter 4 - Manual Dial and Automatic Answer
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Dialing/On-Line/Answering
- 4.3 Automatic Leased Line Restoral Operation
- 4.4 Manual Dial Backup Call Termination
- 4.5 Dial Backup and Leased Line Restoral
- 4.6 Dial-Up Operation
- 4.7 Manual Call Origination
- 4.8 Automatic Answering
- 4.9 Manual Answering
- 4.10 Handshaking Details
- 4.11 Call Termination
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.1.1 AT Command Editing
- 5.1.2 Functional Modes
- 5.2 Summary of AT Commands
- 5.3 Result Codes
- 5.4 Dialing Commands
- 5.4.1 Dialing Action Commands
- 5.4.2 Dial Modifier Commands
- 5.4.3 Phone Number Memory Commands
- 5.4.4 Configuration and Default Storage Commands
- 5.4.5 Command Response (Result Code) Commands
- 5.4.6 Phone Line Conditioning Commands
- 5.4.7 RS-232C Interface Control Commands
- 5.4.8 Error Correction Commands
- 5.4.9 Flow Control Commands
- 5.4.10 Compression, Error Correction, Flow Control, Pass-Through and Pacing Commands
- 5.4.11 Speed Conversion Commands
- 5.4.12 Immediate Action Commands
- 5.4.13 Line Probe Commands
- Chapter 6 - S-Registers
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Reading and Assigning S-Register Values
- 6.2.1 Examples of Assigning Values
- 6.2.2 Examples of Reading Values
- 6.3 AT Command and S-Register Summary
- Chapter 7 - Callback Security and Remote Configuration
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Callback Feature Description
- 7.3 Remote Configuration Description
- 7.3.1 Initial Setup Procedures for Callback and Remote Configuration.
- 7.3.2 Remote Configuration Procedures
- 7.4 Remote Configuration and Callback Security AT Commands
- 7.5 Remote Configuration/Callback Security S-Registers
- Chapter 8 - DIP-Switch Settings
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 DIP-Switch Option Settings
- 8.3 Speaker Volume Control
- 8.4 Recording Option Configurations
- Chapter 9 - Warranty, Service and Tech Support
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Warranty & Repairs Policies
- 8.3 Online Warranty Registration
- 9.4 Replacement Parts
- 9.5 Technical Support
- 9.6 Internet Sites
- Appendixes
- Appendix A - Upgrading Your Modem's Firmware
- Appendix B - Troubleshooting
- Appendix E - MultiModemBA Cables
- Appendix
- Index
- Index
- Symbols
- A
- Abort Timer
- Answer Mode
- Answer/Originate - Voice/Data Toggle Switch
- AS/400 Mode
- ASCII code
- Asynchronous Word Lenth Selection ($EB)
- Asynchronous/Synchronous Operation
- AT
- AT Command and S-Register Summary
- AT Commands
- "AT" Responses/Multi-Tech Responses
- Auto-answer
- Auto-Reliable Buffering ($A)
- Auto-Reliable Mode (&E1)
- B
- C
- Call waiting
- Callback Attempts
- Callback Operational Sequence Procedures
- Callback Password and Dial Back Phone Number Entry
- Callback Retry Attempts
- Callback Security Enable/Disable (#DB)
- Callback Time Delay
- "Calling Card" Detect Tones ($)
- Canadian Limitations Notice
- Carrier Detect Control (&C)
- Carrier Detect Response Time
- Carrier Detect/DSR Forcing
- Carrier Loss Disconnect Delay Time
- Change LOGIN Password (#I)
- Change Serial Baud Rate (CSP) Command
- Change SETUP Password (#S)
- Changing Break Time
- Cleardown at Disconnect
- COM ports
- Command Buffer
- "Command mode"
- Command string
- Command Summary
- Commands
- Compatibility
- Computer-or Terminal-Initiated Flow Control (Pacin
- Connectors
- Continuous Redial (A or :)
- Controls
- CTS Control (&R)
- CTS/RTS Interaction Control (&RF)
- D
- Data Compression
- Data Compression Commands
- Data Format
- Data Rates
- Data Set Ready Control (&S)
- Data Terminal Ready Control (&D)
- Datacomm software
- dB Transmission Levels
- Delayed and Forbidden Numbers
- Diagnostics
- Dial (D)
- Dial Phone Number Provided (CRN) Command
- Dialing a Stored Number (N)
- Digital Loopback Test
- Dimensions
- DIP-Switches
- Disregard or Connect to Incoming Calls (DIC or CIC
- DSR/CD Interaction Control (&SF)
- DTR Dialing ($D)
- DTR Dialing ($D) Command
- DTR Dropout Time
- Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency dialing
- "dumb" dialing
- E
- echnical Specifications
- EMC, Safety, and R&TTE Directive Compliance
- Enable/Disable Auto-Answer
- Enable/Disable Auto-Reliable Fallback Character
- Enable/Disable Command Mode
- Enable/Disable V.25bis Mode ($V) Command
- Enable/Suppress Responses
- Erase Callback Password (#RCBNxx)
- Erase Callback Phone Number (#RDNxx)
- Error Correction
- Escape Code Character
- Escape Sequence Options (%E)
- Escape Sequences (+++AT
) - Examples of Assigning Values
- Examples of Reading Values
- Exiting Command Mode, Going Back On-Line (O)
- Extended Result Codes
- F
- Failed Password Attempts
- "fallback"
- Fallback Modes When On-Line (#F)
- Fax
- Fax and Communications Software Won't Run
- Fax Modulations
- FCC Part 68 Telecom regulation
- firmware
- flash memory
- Flash On Hook (!)
- Flash Wizard upgrade utility
- Flow Control
- Flow control
- Flow Control - &E4/&E5
- Force Answer Mode (A)
- Forced DTR
- Frequency Stability
- Front panel
- Functional States
- G
- H
- I
- L
- Leased Line/Dial-Up Operation
- Limited Warranty
- Line Feed Character
- "Link Request"
- Listing Current Operating Parameters (L5 L7)
- Listing Delayed Phone Numbers (RLD) Command
- Listing Forbidden Phone Number (RLF) Command
- Listing Numbers Stored in Memory (L)
- Listing On-Line Diagnostics (L8)
- Listing S-Register Values (L6)
- Loading Factory Defaults (&F)
- Local Inactivity Timer
- Long Space Disconnect (Y)
- Losing Data
- M
- Maximum Throughput Setting
- Memory
- MNP 5
- Model Numbers
- Modem Baud Rate ($MB)
- Modem Cannot Connect When Answering
- Modem Dials But Cannot Make a Connection
- Modem Disconnects While Online
- Modem Does Not Respond to Commands
- Modem Reset (Z)
- Modem-Initiated Flow Control Commands
- Modulation
- MT1432BL Connections
- MT2834BL Cables
- Multi-Tech Internet sites
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- Reading of Line Probe Information Commands
- registering your product
- Reliable Mode (&E2)
- Remote Configuration Character
- Remote Configuration Escape Character
- replacement parts
- Request To Send Forced
- Result codes
- Result Codes Enable/Disable and No Response (Q)
- Result Codes Verbose/Terse (V)
- Retransmit Count ($R)
- Return Character
- Return character
- Return to Command Mode After Dial Execution (;)
- Reverse the Mode of Operation (R)
- Rings Which Have Occurred
- S
- S-Registers
- Safety Warning Telecom
- SDLC/BSC Option
- Send Xon/Xoff Characters (#X)
- Serial cable
- Serial port
- Serial Port Baud Rate ($SB)
- servicing your modem
- Sessions
- Set Pulse Dial Ratios (&P)
- Signal Strength information
- Signal to Noise Ratio information (SNR)
- Slave Clocking
- Slow File Transfer
- smart dialing
- South African Notice
- Speaker
- Speed Conversion ($BA)
- Speed Switches
- Storing Phone Numbers (D...N)
- Summary
- Synchronous Transmit Clock Select (&X)
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X