Safe mowing guide – Murray 20-inch Push User Manual

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Use only original equipment or approved sub-

stitutions as service parts. If you need profes-

sional service, select a shop that is an

Authorized Service Center for your brand of

mower. If you plan to service the unit yourself,

follow directions in the Instruction Book.

As you mow, remember children and pets are

sometimes attracted to the activity. Be espe-

cially careful when trimming around shrubbery

or when backing up. If at all possible, don’t

mow when moving backwards. It is dangerous

because vision is restricted. Also, blades are

designed to cut while the unit is moving for-

ward so cutting performance is reduced when

mowing in reverse.
Never leave the mower running and unat-

tended. Shut off the engine. Put the mower in

a position so that it can not roll. If the unit is

self-propelled, make sure the drive control is


When mowing, be aware of your condition and

the weather conditions. After mowing a long

time, you will be tired. This is the time when

reactions slow down, your attention wanders;

the time when you are wide open for an acci-

dent. Take a short break. If temperatures are

high, take precautions to avoid becoming de-

hydrated. If you are angry, tired, or unable to

give your full attention to mowing, if you have

been consuming alcohol, medicines, or drugs,

do not use your mower or any type of power

If weather conditions become worse while you

are cutting, stop and finish later. Cutting grass

in the rain is no fun and it is dangerous. Always

seek shelter in an electrical storm. In extreme-

ly dry mowing conditions, your safety glasses

can serve a dual purpose by protecting your

eyes from dust and thrown objects, also a dust

or pollen mask can be helpful.

Your mower is equipped with a number of safe-

ty features which are important to the safety of

the operator and bystanders and must never

be altered or removed. If a safety feature be-

comes inoperable, lost, or damaged, it must be

repaired or replaced before the mower is used.

Engine speed is a key to safe mowing and a

nice looking lawn. The maximum speed of the

engine on your mower has been set at the fac-

tory. Do not change the engine governor in any


Select the maximum engine and ground speed

that is right for the terrain and the height of

grass. You get the best cutting and bagging

performance when using a grass catcher by

operating the engine at maximum speed. Nev-

er walk fast or run just to get the job done soon-

er. On inclines, reduce ground speed and

exercise extreme care.

It is best to mow only during daylight hours;

however, if you must mow in the late afternoon

or evening, make sure there is good artificial


Your mower will require maintenance including

service and adjustments before and after use

as with any machine. The frequency of the

maintenance is generally based on hours of

use, however, the frequency can vary because

of mowing conditions. Check the Instruction

Book for more detailed instructions. Proper

maintenance protects your investment in the

mower and helps insure that it will function

safely and reliably.

Never attempt any

service (with the pos-

sible exception of car-

buretor adjustment)

with the engine run-

ning. After turning the

engine off, always

disconnect the spark

plug wire to prevent

accidental restarting

while the unit is being
