Stop information dumping -28, Query status of digital inputs -28, Set digital outputs -28 – Moxa Technologies VPort 2140 User Manual

Page 62: Erase snapshots stored in flash memory -28, Skip installation at next boot -28, Reset network for new settings -28, Restore factory default settings -28, Reset system -28

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Stop information dumping

Typing “stop” will halt the dumping of debug information and the digital input status.

Query status of digital inputs

Typing “diquery” will display the status of all digital inputs once.

Set digital outputs

To set digital output to connect NO with COMMON, type “DO1=L”.

To set digital output to connect NC with COMMON, type “DO1=H”.

Erase snapshots stored in Flash memory

Typing “erase image” will clear all snapshots saved in Flash memory.

Skip installation at next boot

Typing “lock” will inform Video Server to lock the current network settings. You won’t need to
go through the installation procedure the next time the Video Server boots up.

Reset network for new settings

Typing “unlock” will cause Video Server to wait for the installation procedure the next time it
boots up.

Restore factory default settings

Typing “clear” will make Video Server restore factory settings but not restart. To validate new
settings, type “reset” to make the system restart.

Reset system

Typing “reset” will make Video Server perform a software reset.

VPort 2140 User’s Manual
