Introduction, A proper match – MasterCraft Trailer User Manual

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MasterCraft Trailers • Page 7


With the purchase of your new, custom-built MasterCraft trailer

you have added value to your MasterCraft boating enjoyment. You can
now enjoy almost any of the thousands of recreational waterways in
the country.

As the manufacturer, MasterCraft has provided you with a vehicle

designed specifically for many years of attractive, convenient, trouble-
free service. Now, it is up to you to give it proper care and maintenance
to be sure it will continue to perform safely and satisfactorily.

The purpose of this section of the manual is to help you do just

that. Please read and follow its warnings and instructions care-
fully. Also, because all trailers are not exactly alike, be sure to
read and comply with any warnings and additional information
supplied by MasterCraft in your owners’ packet. It’s the best way to
obtain peak performance.

Before towing this trailer, be sure to read

and familiarize yourself with this manual.

A Proper Match

The key to carefree boat
trailering is the proper
match of boat to trailer.
This proper match is only
one reason why the Master-
C r a f t e n g i n e e r i n g de-
partment has designed your
trailer to carry the full
weight of your boat, engine
and gear. It also provides
the proper support for the
boat hull during storage.