MasterCraft Trailer User Manual
Page 23

MasterCraft Trailers • Page 22
first trip to the lake with your trailer, make
at least one short trial run to familiarize
yourself with its handling characteristics.
Be sure everything is working properly.
• Slow down. There is less strain on your
car, trailer and boat at moderate to slow
speeds. Also, many states have lower speed
limits for vehicles towing trailers.
• Allow extra time and space. You’ll need
more of both when passing and stopping.
• Check the rear view mirrors. Install
outside rear view mirrors on both sides of
the tow vehicle. Make it a habit to check
the mirrors at frequent intervals to be sure
your trailer and boat are riding properly.
• Swing wider. Trailer wheels are closer
to the inside of turns than the wheels on
your car or truck. This means you should swing wider at curves
and corners.
• Pass with extra care. With a trailer in tow, you’ll need more time
and distance to accelerate, get around a slower vehicle and return
to the right lane.
• Watch the wind. Be prepared for sudden changes in air pres-
sure and/or wind buffeting when larger vehicles pass you from
either direction. Slow down a little and keep a firm hand on the
steering wheel.
• Conserve fuel. Wind resistance against the boat and trailer can
reduce your gas mileage significantly, especially at higher speeds.
• Avoid sudden stops and starts. Even though your trailer has
brakes, a sudden stop can cause it to skid, slide or even jack-knife.
(Be especially careful to avoid the necessity for quick stops while turning.) Smooth,
gradual starts and stops will improve your gas mileage and put less
strain on your tie-downs, etc.
• Signal your intentions. Well before you stop, turn, change lanes
or pass, use your light signals to let other vehicles know what you
intend to do.
• Shift to a lower gear. If your tow vehicle has a manual transmis-
sion, traveling in lower gears when going up steep hills or over sand,
gravel or dirt roads will ease the load on your engine and transmis-
sion. If your tow vehicle has an overdrive gear (manual or automatic) you
may get better gas mileage in a lower gear. Check the automobile’s
owners manual for their recommended towing specifications.