Storage – MasterCraft Trailer User Manual
Page 26

MasterCraft Trailers • Page 25
When your MasterCraft trailer will not be in use for several months,
you can help it continue to give you good performance by taking the
following steps:
• If at all possible, park your
boat-trailer rig in a protected
area such as a garage, carport or
similar shelter.
• Service or re-pack the wheel
• Loosen the tie-downs and
winch strap, but be sure the boat
is still resting properly on the
hull supports.
• Remove the drain plug and
elevate the trailer tongue
slightly (just an inch or two) to al-
low water to drain out so the
boat will be dry. Tie the plugs
to something obvious–like the
steering wheel–so you will re-
member to replace the drain
plugs before your next trip.
• A good time to touch up rust
spots, nicks and chips is when
the trailer is in storage.
• Replace damaged tie-downs, winch straps, wiring, etc.
• Lubricate moving parts such as the rollers and winch, as well as
the ball coupler.
• Tighten any loose nuts and bolts.