Morphy Richards VC73184 User Manual

Page 8

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Morphy Richards products are intended for household use only.

Morphy Richards has a policy of continuous improvement in product quality and
design. The company, therefore reserves the right to change the specification of
it’s models at any time.

The After Sales Division

Morphy Richards Ltd

Mexborough, South Yorkshire,

England, S64 8AJ

Helplines (office hours)

UK 0844 871 0949

Spare Parts 0844 873 0715

Republic of Ireland 1800 409 119

VC73184 MUK Rev 1 04/08

FFoorr ddeettaaiillss ooff ootthheerr pprroodduuccttss iinn tthhee M

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weebbssiittee .. .. ..

For electrical products sold within the

European Community. At the end of the

electrical products useful life, it should

not be disposed of with household


Please recycle where facilities exist.

Check with your Local Authority or

retailer for recycling advice in your


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