Morphy Richards Bagless Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner User Manual
Getting the best from your new cleaner

Aiirr E
Enndduurraannccee bbaagglleessss
ccyylliinnddeerr vvaaccuuuum
m cclleeaanneerr
Please read and keep these instructions
Getting the best from your new cleaner...
If your cleaner is not picking up as well as it should, please check
It is important to rotate the filter dial prior to emptying.
This action shakes clean the dust canister pleated filter. See page 6.
Check the nozzle, tubes and hose for blockages.
TTuurrbboo nnoozzzzllee
((cceerrttaaiinn m
mooddeellss oonnllyy))
Remove hair and dirt caught around the brush bar regularly.
Saaffeettyy ccuutt oouutt
If the product switches itself off during use, refer to page 7 for instructions.
VC71067 MUK Rev 2
For replacement parts, help with using your Morphy Richards, problems and lots
more, contact us by phone or through our website.
UK Helpline: 0845 077 7700
Ireland 1800 409 119
To register for your 3 year guarantee, ring the Helpline numbers below
within 28 days of purchase. This offer is only available in the UK.
Please have the following information available:
Serial number: Model number:
(see page 8 for guarantee details).
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