Page 74

T e c h n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n
Cache Control
A simple two line screen allows you to either enable or disable the
L2 cache memory (external to the processor).
The default setting is Enabled, and should not normally be
changed. Some older software is speed sensitive and on rare
occasions you may need to disable the L2 cache.
Cache Size
This value also appears in the System Summary. It is detected by the
POST and the value is not editable.
ROM Shadowing
The contents of the Read Only Memory are copied into the faster
Random Access Memory during start-up, providing faster access and
enhancing system performance. Choosing this option displays a sub-
menu showing a split up table of the memory address range, with
the range sectioned into 32K blocks. Some areas are greyed out as
they are already in use by parts of the system.
Changes should only be made to the supplied settings when fitting a
new expansion board, if asked to do so, and then with great care,
using the information supplied with the particular card.
ISA Legacy Resources
When expanding your system with an ISA card this menu section is
used to ‘register’ the system resources that the card uses. This needs
to be done as the system cannot auto-detect their being in use, but
must know about them so as to auto-configure any PCI Plug and
Play cards and avoid conflicts. There is a menu for each topic.
The resources affected are ;
Memory, I/O port addresses, DMA channels, System interrupts.
Some areas are shown as Allocated by the system and shown only for
your information. Finer detail is shown in the chapter dealing with
Expansion, which should be consulted in conjunction with the
information supplied with the expansion card.
Each resource can be set to either Available or Not available.