Chapter 1 introduction – Microsoft RAMCard C-97200 User Manual

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RAMCard is a printed circuit board that contains 16K bytes of addi-
tional random-access memory (RAM) for your Apple II or Apple II
Plus computer.

RAMCard is designed for an Apple II with 48K bytes of RAM already
in place. If your Apple II has less than 48K RAM, you will need to
purchase enough 16K memory modules to bring your Apple II up to

RAMCard is compatible with Microsoft Consumer Products SoftCard,
a circuit card for the Apple which contains a Z80 microprocessor, and
allows you to run the CP/M operating system. RAMCard and Soft-
Card together make a powerful combination that turns your Apple II into
a full memory (56K), flexible (two microprocessors) microcomputer.

With RAMCard and SoftCard in place, you have 56K RAM available
to run any of the languages available for the SoftCard, including
Microsoft’s BASIC-80 (included in the SoftCard package), COBOL-80,
FORTRAN-80, BASIC Compiler, and Assembly Language Develop-
ment System.

RAMCard contains 16K of memory. But, because only 12K of addi-
tional addressing space is available in the Apple, 4K of addressing space
must be shared by two 4K memory banks. This means that only 12K of
RAMCard RAM is available to you at a given time.