Microsoft RAMCard C-97200 User Manual
Page 17

Set the connector strip on the bottom edge of RAMCard into Slot 0.
Be sure that the connector on the card is centered in the slot.
3. Press R A M C a r d i n t o p l a c e .
Do not wiggle RAMCard from side to side! If necessary, you can
wiggle the card lengthwise, from back to front to back, to help seat
the card into Slot 0 completely.
4. R e c h e c k s e a t i n g o f p l u g a n d c a r d .
B e sure that both the plug and the card are fully seated.
5. R e p l a c e c o v e r .
When you are satisfied that the plug and card are correctly placed
and installed (you may want to reread the instructions), slide the
cover of your Apple II forward to the keyboard. When the cover is in
place, press down on the rear corners of the cover until the fasteners
snap closed.
6. Power up.
Your Apple II is now ready to run. You can switch on the power and
bring up CP/M if you have the SoftCard. With the SoftCard in-
stalled, you now have 56K contiguous RAM available to run 56K
CP/M. You can create 56K CP/M system disks with the CPM56
utility included with your SoftCard package. For instructions on
using SoftCard and RAMCard together, refer to the SoftCard Man-
ual, Using Apple CP/M with the Apple Language Card, page 1-13.
For each reference to the Apple Language Card, simply substitute
Other software can also be used with RAMCard. See Chapter 3 for
more information.
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