Table of contents important notice – Grizzly T10432 User Manual

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Table of contents


Modification Required for Mounting your Router

the universal phenolic mounting board that is included with the Model t10432 does not have pre-drilled
mounting holes to hold your router. this is because different brand routers have different base mounting
hole configurations.

to properly use this router table, you will have to drill holes in the mounting board that match the base
mounting hole configuration of your router. this procedure will require a drill, the correct size drill bits,
and possibly additional fasteners for mounting the router.

Before beginning any modification to the phenolic mounting board, read the entire

SETUp section in this

manual to make sure the person making the modification is capable of performing the required tasks,
and to make sure that your router is firmly secured to the router mounting board.

iNTRODUcTiON ............................................... 2

Manual accuracy ........................................... 2
Contact info.................................................... 2
router table description ................................ 2
specifications ................................................. 3

SEcTiON 1: SAfETy ....................................... 4

safety instructions for Machinery .................. 4
additional safety for router tables ............... 6

SEcTiON 2: SETUp ......................................... 7

needed for setup ........................................... 7
unpacking ...................................................... 7
inventory ........................................................ 8
assembly ....................................................... 9
router installation ........................................ 11
aligning router Mounting Board .................. 12

SEcTiON 3: OpERATiONS ........................... 13

operation overview ..................................... 13
Workpiece inspection................................... 14
squaring Fence & table .............................. 14
Edge Jointing ............................................... 15
profile routing ............................................. 16
routing small stock .................................... 16
Free-hand routing ...................................... 17

SEcTiON 4: MAiNTENANcE ......................... 19

schedule ...................................................... 19
Cleaning & protecting .................................. 19

SEcTiON 5: pARTS ....................................... 20

Main parts Breakdown ................................. 20
Main parts list ............................................. 21
labels parts list .......................................... 22

WARRANTy AND RETURNS ........................ 25