Adjusting guide post travel – Grizzly G0513X2B User Manual

Page 65

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G0513 Series Bandsaws


Adjusting Guide

Post Travel

the guide post assembly should remain paral-
lel with the blade front-to-back and side-to-side
along its length of travel. if it does not, follow these
instructions to adjust it.

Important: Make sure the table is aligned with the
blade from side-to-side and front-to-back before
beginning these procedures (refer to


Table on Page 36 for detailed instructions).

Tools Needed:
Machinist's square ............................................ 1
small ruler ........................................................ 1
hex Wrench 4mm .............................................. 1
hex Wrench 5mm .............................................. 1
Metal shims ..................................... (as Needed)

checking/Adjusting Guide Post
Parallel with Blade Side-to-Side

1. disCoNNECt BaNdsaW FroM poWEr!

2. loosen the guide post lock knob, lower the

guide post to within 1" of the table top, then
tighten the knob.

3. place a machinist's square on the table next

to the right hand side of the guide post, as
shown in

Figure 92.

Guide Post

(Front View)

Figure 92. Example of checking guide post


—if there is no gap between the square and

the guide post along its full length, no
adjustments need to be made. proceed to
the next procedure.

—if there is a gap between the square and

the guide post, the guide post is not parallel
to the blade. go to

Step 4.

4. loosen each of the four screws shown in

Figure 93





Figure 93. guide post adjustment screws.

5. gently tap the lower part of the guide post in

the appropriate direction until there is no gap
between the square and the guide post.

6. tighten the screws shown in Figure 93.