GIGABYTE GN-A16B User Manual

Page 37

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GN-A16B Wireless Access Point User Guide


Wireless Security Setup

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a data privacy mechanism based on a 64/128-bit shared

key algorithm, as described in the IEEE 802.1x standard. When the “Enabled WEP secu-

rity ” is not selected there is no WEP encryption.

This page is the security configuration of the wireless connection.

1 64 (40) Bits or 128 (104) bits

There are two levels of encryption 64 bits and 128 bits. The 64 bits encryption is

referenced as a lower level encryption. The 128 bits encryption is referenced as a

higher level encryption.

The 64 bits WEP encryption use 40 bits as a secret key, which can controlled by

user, and 24 bits as the initialize vector, which user can not control. These two

portions plus together is 64 bits encryption. Some other vendor’s product might

refer as 40 bits encryption. It is the same thing.

Check this selection can allow user to generate the WEP key based on the string

user key in. This Passphrase filed can key in up to 10 character.

1 Automatic Generation

The 128 bits WEP encryption use 104 bits as a secret key, which can controlled by

user, and 24 bits as the initialize vector, which user can not control. These two

portions plus together is 128 bits encryption. Some other vendor’s product might

refer as 104 bits encryption. It is the same thing.