Grundig 400 PE User Manual

Page 17

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This is the best time to listen, because the broadcasters are
deliberately transmitting to North America. These bands may be
extremely good around sunset and sunrise too. Best bands are


19m Summer Months

22m Summer Months

25m Best two hours before/after sunrise/

31m Good all night everywhere

41m Good all night in Eastern North America;

varies in Western North America

49m The best night band everywhere

NOTE: Getting close to a window may substantially improve
your reception.


The construction materials of some buildings simply do not let
signals in very well. Signals penetrate wood frame buildings
easiest, while concrete and brick buildings usually block signals. If
you are in a building with one or more stories above you, signals
can also be impaired in strength. In such a situation, position
yourself, and especially the radio’s antenna, as close to a window
as possible while listening.

On the following page is a list of the shortwave bands used for
international broadcasts and their corresponding frequencies.
Since some radios show frequency in megahertz and some in
kilohertz, both are shown here. The YB400PE shows shortwave
frequencies in kilohertz.