Grundig 400 PE User Manual

Page 16

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Listed below are the characteristics of the major shortwave
bands. Follow these guidelines for best listening results. Because
shortwave signals depend on such factors as the sun, the iono-
sphere and the earth itself, signals cannot be heard on all bands
throughout the day. Some bands are best during the daylight
hours, and some are best at night. If the term “band” is new to
you, please read the section titled, “WHAT IS A SHORTAVE
BAND?” on page 9.


Shortwave listening is generally at its poorest during the daylight
hours of about 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The major reason for this is that
the broadcasters are not transmitting to North America at this


time. They assume that we are all either at work or at school, and
are not able to listen during the day. If you want to try daytime
listening, use the guidelines below. You will have some success,
but not nearly as good as during the late afternoon and evenings.
The best bands are BOLD.


13m Results vary. Worth trying.

16m Similar to 19m.

19m The best daytime band.

22m Similar to 19m (fewer stations).

25m Best around sunrise/sunset.

31m Similar to 25m.