Guardian Technologies PN 8402 User Manual

Page 4

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To disarm your system or to turn off an alarm, just enter your user code. Once again,
if your system is connected to a monitoring service, be sure to cancel any accidental
alarms to prevent emergency personnel from responding.


When you arm to the AWAY mode, there is a delay period to allow you time to exit
the premises. Likewise, there is an entry delay time so you can enter the building
and disarm the system before the alarm sounds. You should leave and return only
through designated doors protected with delay sensors. The times for exit and entry
delays have been recorded by your installer on the System Information pages.

During the entry delay, a “pre-alarm” tone will sound to remind you that the system
is armed and must be either disarmed or re-armed. An alarm will occur at the end of
the entry delay time if no action is taken.

When your system is set up for the “Interior Follower” feature, instant interior

sensors become delay sensors if you first enter through your delay door. You can
now walk in front of motion detectors on the way to the keypad after you enter.


SAT’s are beeps that sound inside the home and are normally heard at arming and
disarming. They indicate the arming status of the system, and will also advise you if
a trouble message or an alarm memory has been displayed in the keypad’s windows.
SAT’s will also sound when remote transmitters are used to arm or disarm the

1 beep = AWAY mode
2 beeps = STAY mode 2 sets of 2 beeps


NIGHT mode

3 beeps




Protest SAT’s: 4 quick beeps repeating every 45 seconds. These tones indicate that
a trouble message or alarm has just been displayed in the master keypads windows.
The keypad’s “Ready” light will also blink to indicate these conditions. See the

Master Keypad Reference Diagram for further information.

Press the * key to silence the protest SAT’s. The message will remain in the
windows. If the windows are not cleared (see later sections), a set of protest SAT’s

will follow the normal arm/disarm SAT’s whenever the system’s armed mode is
changed. The protest SAT’s serve as a reminder that there is still a window message
that has not been cleared or acted upon.


Your system may be set up to allow you to arm/disarm from outside using a hand-
held transmitter. If so, the exterior alarm sirens will “chirp” (quick “pops”) in the
same pattern as the interior SAT’s. These chirps allow you to verify the current
system status without going inside. If trouble occurred while you were away (or if a
previous message was not cleared), four protest chirps will be added to the end of the
arm/disarm chirps.


For your protection, this system lets you know if a burglary alarm has occurred in
your absence. If an alarm has occurred, warning beeps will sound over all speakers
for three seconds. These violation beeps will immediately start when you enter the
premises and trigger the entry pre-alarm. If you are using a handheld transmitter
from outside the building and send a status request or disarm command, the warning
will also sound.

Once the sirens stop, burglary alarms are also “remembered” in two other ways.
The “Ready” light flashes rapidly and, if part of your system, selected house lights

ill come on and remain on.

CAUTION: Anytime a prior burglary alarm is indicated, you
should leave the area immediately and contact the appropriate
authorities. Do not go into the building.

From this point, all information applies to the master keypad. For

quick reference, refer to the Master Keypad Reference Diagram.



display windows under the hardwire keypad door indicate a variety of system

conditions. See the System Information pages for transmitter and/or hardwire zone



cause of an alarm will be indentified in the display windows as soon as it occurs.

To clear

the memory, press and hold the * key until the second beep sounds. Protest

beeps will be tagged onto the end of arm/disarm SAT’s until the alarm message is