GE X500 User Manual
Page 59
• Delete All:
1. In the Delete option, select All and then press the
8VH8S'RZQEXWWRQDQGVHOHFW select Back to return to the menu. • Delete Date Folder: 1. In the Delete option, press button after selecting Date Folder. 2. Use the Up/Down button to select Date Folder to be deleted, press WRFRQ½UPSUHVVWKH8S'RZQEXWWRQ WRVHOHFWLWHP WRFRQ½UP The “ ²LQGLFDWRUPHDQVD½OHLVSURWHFWHG)LOH SURWHFWLRQPXVWEHUHPRYHG½UVWEHIRUHD½OHFDQEH 'HOHWLQJ½OHVZLOOFDXVH'32)VHWWLQJVWREHUHVHW DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) DPOF feature allows you to compile a selection of pictures
that you would like to have printed, and will save your
selection in the memory card so that you can simply hand your
memory card to a photo printing service without having to tell
them which photos you would like to print.