Garrett Metal Detectors Master Hunter CX Plus User Manual
Page 11
Master Hunter
CX Plus Owner’s Manual 1
Because many professional treasure hunters firmly
believe that you should dig all targets, they always
search in the All Metal mode. Others search in this
mode and reject unwanted targets by using informa-
tion reported on the LCD.
When searching in the All Metal mode, always check
the display on every target. You will learn through
experience whether to dig or not.
Headphones are a valuable accessory for any metal
detector to mask interference from outside noise.
They permit you to hear small and deep targets that
might be missed when using audio from the detec-
tor speaker. Headphones are particularly essential
when you are hunting where noise of people and /
or traffic is excessive. When headphones are not in
use, always leave the rubber plug in place.
The Master Hunter CX Plus utilizes a battery pack
that requires six (6) “C” cell standard or NiMH re-
chargeable batteries. It is recommended that top
quality, heavy duty or alkaline batteries be used. It
is advisable that you remove the battery pack when
the detector is not in use, particularly for a period of
weeks. The Master Hunter CX Plus should operate
15 to 20 hours with carbon or NiMH batteries and a
longer time with alkaline batteries.
Checking Condition - Battery condition is reported on
the LCD continuously while the detector is operating.
Batteries should be considered weak when only two
elements appear on the display. They should be re-
placed when less than two elements appear or when
the detector begins making target-like sounds when
no target is encountered.