Wheel alignment – Grizzly Deluxe Bandsaw G0555LX User Manual
Page 50

(Mfg. Since 3/13)
Wheel alignment
Wheel alignment is important for optimal perfor-
mance from your bandsaw. Wheels are properly
aligned when they are parallel with each other and
in the same plane or “coplanar” (see the illustra-
tion in the figure to the right).
When wheels are coplanar, the bandsaw is
more likely to cut straight without wandering; and
vibration, heat, and blade wear are considerably
decreased because the blade is automatically bal-
anced on the wheel.
bringing the wheel into alignment may require
a combination of shimming a wheel and center/
lateral tracking the blade.
tools needed
straightedge 4 ft. ............................................... 1
Fine ruler .......................................................... 1
Wrench or socket 13mm ................................... 1
Wrench or socket 19mm ................................... 1
checking Wheel alignment
1. disConneCt bandsaW FroM poWer!
2. remove the table.
3. With the blade on and properly tensioned,
hold a straightedge close to the center of
both wheels. Make sure the straightedge fully
extends across the rims of both wheels, as
shown in
figure 68.
4. referring to
figure 69, check wheel align-
figure 68. Checking if the wheels are coplanar.
figure 69. Wheel alignment illustration.
top and bottom
wheels parallel and
aligned: no adjust-
ment needed.
Wheels parallel, but
top or bottom wheel
is not parallel with
the other wheel:
Move the top wheel
in or out.
top wheel is not verti-
cally aligned with the
bottom wheel: use the
blade tracking knob to
tilt the top wheel.
top wheel is not later-
ally aligned with the
bottom wheel: adjust
the rear adjustment set
screws to tilt the top
wheel left/right.