9 using a one-time transmit protocol code, Using a one-time transmit protocol code – GateWay Fax Systems 90SI User Manual

Page 20

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GateWay Fax Systems, inc.

Model 90si Secure Fax Gateway

User's Guide, 877-951-9800, [email protected] help line: 877-951-9814

page 20

The following example shows how to change the default protocol to "Mil STD Handshake w/o FEC" (defined as

protocol 10)...

With the Secure Phone idle and only the Green "Power" light illuminated:



Press and hold

the Reset button

on the 90si

... until both the Green and Red lights extinguish, then...

release Reset

the Green light will be extinguished and the Red light illuminated

Take the fax off-

hook *1

(you will hear dial-tone)

10 on the fax

you will a beep. (Note: 10 is the protocol code for Mil STD Handshake w/o

FEC. See the above list for the other codes.)

hang up the fax

The Green light will blink a number of times. When it illuminated steady

the 90si is ready send using the Mil STD Handshake w/o FEC protocol.


*1 Most fax machines have a button that when depressed, returns dial-tone from the telephone system. This but-

ton is often labled Hook, Manual Dial, Monitor, On Hook Dial or something to that effect. Find and use this Hook

button on your fax or use the handset. If your fax does not have a handset or a hook button you will need to tem-

porarily connect a plain old telephone to the TEL jack on the back of the fax machine to change Default Settings.


Using a One-Time Transmit Protocol Code

A one-time protocol code allows you use a different protocol (than the default setting) for the current transmission

only. The default protocol setting is not effected or changed. You will set-up to transmit a secure fax as normal

with one exception; instead of dialing a "1" (to use the default setting), you will substitute one of the follwing

one-time codes:


One-Time Transmit Protocol


Async 2400


Async 4800


Async 9600


Async 19,200


Mil-Std-188-161 Handshake w/o FEC (Sync)


Mil-Std-188-161 Handshake with FEC (Sync)


Mil-Std-188-161 Broadcast w/o FEC (Sync)


Mil-Std-188-161 Broadcast with FEC (Sync)


MG3 Ricoh/Compat (Sync)








