5 installing and setting the fi-5000n software, Installing fi-5000n software – FUJITSU fi-5000N User Manual

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2.5 Installing and Setting the

fi-5000N Software

Installing fi-5000N Software

With the following the procedure, install the fi-5000N
Software on:

The PC of fi-5000N’s Administrator

The PCs used by the scanner users

1. Turn on the power of the PC, and log on to Win-


2. Insert the "Setup CD-ROM" into the CD drive.



4. Click [fi-5000N Software] on the window below.

5. Select a language used for installation on

[Choose Setup Language] window and click

6. Follow the instructions on the window to install

the software.

7. When the [InstallShield Wizard Complete] win-

dow appears, click [Finish].

With this, the installation of the fi-5000N Software is


When using Windows 2000 or
Windows XP, log on as a user with
"Administrator" rights.

To support more scanners and
improve the product, fi-5000N Soft-
ware is subject to change. If you
want to get the latest fi-5000N Soft-
ware, please visit out website.


This screen may not appear when the
"Autoplay" setting of your PC is OFF.
In this case, run "Install.exe" in this
CD-ROM directly from the "Explorer"
or "My Computer".


If Windows XP Service Pack 2 is
installed, the [Windows Security Alert]
dialog box may appear after the instal-
lation of fi-5000N Software is com-
plete. In this case, click [Unblock] to
operate the software.