Cm4-s cooking computer — overview – Frymaster cm45 s User Manual
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CM4-S Cooking Computer — Overview
The CM4-S can cook in segmented and non-segmented cook cycles
with or without automatic filter prompts. It is also programmable to exit
a cook cycle in one of three modes: return to setpoint, assume an idle
temperature, well below setpoint, or prompt filtering at a prescribed
cook cycle count for a specific product button
The CM4-S is also capable of monitoring cook cycles initiated by all
the product buttons and call for filtering when the cumulative amount
reaches a number set by the operator.
Programming for filtering and exit-mode options are not essential to
basic cooking programming. For that reason, filtering and exit mode
instructions are provided in separate sections of this manual.
The sequence in which programmable features are encountered after
entering the proper access code is listed below with a brief explanation
of their function.
The CM4-S has a
number of features
and it is not
essential to use all
of them in your
cooking operation.
Programming for
cooking and
staggered alarms,
which are not
essential to use
together, are
For that reason,
programming for
filtering prompts
and alarms are
presented in
separate chapters.
Encountered in all programming; allows computer to keep
running total of heads of chicken or equivalent. The
amount is accessible with a programming code.
Encountered in all programming; used to program
segmented and non-segmented cook cycles.
Allows up to three alarms to be set per cook cycle;
encountered by pressing special programming key.
Allows programming of the exit mode at the completion
of a cook cycle; encountered by pressing special
programming key.
Encountered in all programming; used to enter cooking
times for segmented and non-segmented cooking
Encountered in all programming; used to enter cooking
temperatures for segmented and non-segmented
cooking cycles.
Encountered in all programming; used to enter sensitivity, which is the
degree the computer reacts to the introduction of cold product to the
heated oil. The computer shrinks or stretches the cooktime based on
the degree of cooling and the sensitivity setting. A 0 setting results in
no reaction; 9 produces the greatest reaction.
Encountered in all programming; a product
button must be pressed for programming.