FIAT Uno 45 User Manual
Page 70

19.7A Exhaust pipe support rings
17 Accelerator cable -
adjustment and renewal
1 The socket type cable end fitting is
detached from the carburettor throttle lever
simply by prising it off the ball stud.
2 Adjustment can be carried out by releasing
the locknut and turning the end fitting. With
the accelerator pedal fully depressed, check
that full throttle can be obtained at the
3 To renew the cable, prise off the end fitting
from the carburettor throttle lever.
4 Slip the cable sleeve from its retaining
bracket (photo).
5 Working inside the car under the facia
panel, slip the cable from the fork at the top of
the accelerator pedal arm (photo).
6 Withdraw the cable through the engine
compartment bulkhead.
7 Fit the new cable by reversing the removal
operations, adjust as described in para-
graph 2.
18 Choke control cable -
removal and refitting
1 Remove the air cleaner.
2 Release the choke outer cable clamp and
the inner cable from the swivel on the choke
control lever (photo).
3 The choke control is of lever type. To
remove it, extract its hinge screw, accessible
when the lever is pulled upwards (photo).
4 Withdraw the choke cable assembly until
the inner cable can be released from the hand
control lever and the choke warning lamp lead
5 Withdraw the cable assembly through the
engine compartment rear bulkhead.
6 Fit the new cable by reversing the removal
operations. Before tightening the inner cable
pinch screw at the carburettor, hold the choke
valve plate open and pull the control lever out
2.0 or 3.0 mm, then tighten the screw. This
will provide just enough free movement to
ensure that when the control is pushed fully in
the choke valve plate will remain fully open
even with engine movement slightly stretching
the cable.
19 Manifolds and exhaust
1 The intake manifold on 903 cc engines is
integral with the cylinder head.
2 On the other engines, the intake and
exhaust manifolds are mounted on the same
side of the cylinder head.
3 A hot air collector plate is fitted over the
exhaust manifold from where the air cleaner
draws air when in the winter setting.
4 When fitting a manifold, thoroughly clean
the cylinder head and manifold mating
surfaces, use a new gasket and tighten nuts
to the specified torque (photos).
5 The exhaust system on 903 cc models is of
single downpipe, single silencer two section
3•12 Fuel system
19.4C Fitting intake manifold complete
with carburettor
19.4B Fitting exhaust manifold
19.4A Manifold gasket
18.3 Extracting choke control lever screw
18.2 Choke cable at carburettor
17.5 Accelerator pedal
17.4 Throttle cable sleeve and bracket