English – Fagor America Fagor Rapida Pressure Cooker User Manual

Page 20

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Steam is escaping around the edge of the lid.

1. The pressure cooker is too full.
2. The pressure cooker was not closed properly.
3. The silicone gasket is not in place, or it is dirty or worn.

1. Never fill the pressure cooker more than half or ²/³ full or ½ full when cooking

liquids or foods that froth and expand during cooking.

2. Following the instructions given in this manual, close the pressure cooker so

that a tight seal is created which will allow for adequate pressure build-up.

3. Make sure the silicone gasket is clean and well positioned before using the

pressure cooker. After continued use, the silicone gasket will begin to wear
and should be replaced at least once a year if the pressure cooker is used




The pressure cooker cannot be opened after cooking.

1. There is still pressure built-up in the pressure cooker.
2. If the pressure indicator has dropped but you still cannot open the lid, it might

be because the the pressure lock has not been moved to the open position.

1. Use the automatic or the cold water release method to release any remaining

pressure. Make sure the pressure indicator has dropped. Try opening again.

2. Move the pressure lock down towards the end of the handle to the open

position. Try opening again.




Foods are under-cooked.

1. Cooking time is too short.
2. The automatic or cold water release method was inadequately used to release

the pressure.

1. Always check the cooking time in your recipe. If still under-cooked, extend

cooking time by approx. 1 to 2 minutes and cook under pressure, or simmer
without lid until desired texture is achieved.

2. Use natural release method so that food has benefit of additional cooking time

as pressure drops.




Food is over-cooked.

1. Cooking time is too long.
2. The natural release method was inadequately used to release pressure.

1. Always check the cooking times in your recipe. If food is overcooked, shorten

the cooking time by at least 1 to 2 minutes.

2. Use the automatic or cold water release method so that pressure drops
