Features and functions – Fagor America Electric Multi-Cooker User Manual
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11.. PPrreessssuurree RReegguullaattiinngg KKnnoobb:: Turn the knob to the “Pressure” position when
cooking under pressure or using the rice cooking function. Turn the knob to the
“Steam” position to release the pressure after pressure cooking or when using
the slow cooker or warm functions.
22.. SSeellff--LLoocckkiinngg PPiinn:: The lid will lock automatically when you slide it in place.
While cooking under pressure you will not be able to open the lid when there
is pressure inside until all of the pressure is released.
33.. CCooooll--ttoouucchh hhaannddlleess: The cool to the touch handles of the multi cooker allows
for easy handling and opening of the pot.
44.. FFllooaattiinngg VVaallvvee: The safety-floating valve controls the amount of pressure in-
side the cooker by allowing excess pressure to be released.
55.. SSiilliiccoonnee GGaasskkeett:: Creates an airtight seal needed for the Multi-cooker to build
up pressure. Check the gasket for tears or cracks before using the pressure
cooking or rice cooking function.
66.. SSaaffeettyy PPrreessssuurree VVaallvvee:: The safety pressure valve allows excess pressure to
escape from the cooker when it is being used for pressure cooking. It works in-
dependently of the floating valve.
77.. AAnnttii--BBlloocckkiinngg CCaassee:: Pull it towards yourself to release the pressure regulator
knob for cleaning.
88.. CCoonnddeennssaattiioonn RReesseerrvvooiirr:: Collects excess condensation during cooking. If
there is some liquid in the reservoir after cooking, simply empty it.
99.. HHeeaattiinngg eelleem
meenntt aanndd TTeem
mppeerraattuurree sseennssoorr: Both elements regulate the cook-
ing temperature inside the pot.
1100.. RReem
moovvaabbllee CCooookkiinngg PPoott:: Non-stick, dishwasher safe removable pot will
make clean-up a breeze.
1111.. SSttaattiioonnaarryy ppoott: This pot cannot be removed from the electric multi-cooker
and should never be used for cooking. For cooking, only use the removable
cooking pot.
1122.. CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneell: The easy to use controls allow you to select the different
programs available with a touch of a finger. Available for selection are: pressure
settings, rice cooking, slow cooking, brown and warm functions, and a timer.
Pressure regulating knob (1)
Cool-touch handle (3)
Silicone gasket (5)
Safety Pressure valve (6)
Anti-blocking case (7)
(can be pulled up to remove)
Stationary pot (11)
(cannot be removed)
Control panel (12)
Condensation reservoir (8)
(can be removed)
(3) Cool-touch handle
(9) Temperature sensor
(9) Heating element
(10) Removable cooking pot
(4) Floating valve
(2) Self- Locking pin
Top of the lid
Bottom of the lid
Body of Multi-cooker
Features and Functions
Pressure settings - High: use this function to cook at high pressure, equiva-
lent to 9 psi (pounds of pressure per square inch). Every time you press the
high pressure button, the cooking time will increase by 1 minute. Most of the
pressure cooking recipes require this pressure level.
Pressure settings - Low: use this function to cook at low pressure, equivalent
to 5 psi (pounds of pressure per square inch). Every time you press the low
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