Ap-11 – Furuno AIS Transponder FA-50 User Manual
Page 49

RMC-Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
SSD-AIS ship static data
VBW-Dual ground/water speed
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | +--- 10
| | | | | | | | | | | +----- 9
| | | | | | | | | +--+------- 8
| | | | | | | | +--------------- 7
| | | | | | | +--------------------- 6
| | | | | | +------------------------- 5
| | | | +---+---------------------------- 4
| | +---+---------------------------------------- 3
| +--------------------------------------------------- 2
+---------------------------------------------------------- 1
NOTE Positioning system Mode indicator:
A = Autonomous
D = Differential
E = estimated(dead reckoning)
M = Manual input
S = Simulator
N = Data not valid
1. UTC of position fix
2. Status: A=data valid,
V=navigation receiver warning
3. Latitude, N/S
4. Longitude, E/W
5. Speed over ground, knots
6. Course over ground, degrees tru
7. Date: dd/mm/yy
8. Not used
9. Mode indicator (See NOTE.)
10. Checksum
The Mode indicator field supplements the Status field. The Status field
shall be set to V=invalid for all values of Operating Mode except for
A=Autonomous and D=Differential. The positioning system Mode indicator
and Status field shall not be null fields.
$--SSD,c--c,c--c,xxx,xxx,xx,xx,c, aa*hh
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | +--9
| | | | | | | +--- 8
| | | | | | +----- 7
| | | | | +------- 6
| | | | +---------- 5
| | | +-------------- 4
| | +------------------ 3
| +---------------------- 2
+--------------------------- 1
1. Ship's Call Sign, 1 to 7 characters
2. Ship's Name, 1 to 20 characters
3. Pos. ref. point distance, "A," from bow, 0 to 511 Meters
4. Pos. ref. point distance, "B," from stern,
0 to 511 Meters
5. Pos. ref. point distance, "C," from port beam,
0 to 63 Meters
6. Pos. ref. point distance, "D," from starboard beam,
0 to 63 Meters
7. DTE indicator flag
8. Not used
9. Checksum
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | +--- 11
| | | | | | | | | +----- 10
| | | | | | | | +-------- 9
| | | | | | | +----------- 8
| | | | | | +-------------- 7
| | | | | +----------------- 6
| | | | +-------------------- 5
| | | +------------------------ 4
| | +--------------------------- 3
| +------------------------------ 2
+---------------------------------- 1
1. Not used
2. Not used
3. Not used
4. Longitudinal ground speed, knots
5. Transverse ground speed, knots
6. Status: ground speed, A=data valid V=data invalid
7. Not used
8. Not used
9. Not used
10. Not used
11. Checksum