Fluke Network Device MedTester 5000C User Manual
Page 7

M E D T E S T E R 5 0 0 0 C F I E L D U P G R A D E I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
IC Removal and Installation Description
There are two types of IC sockets which you may encounter—one that is plain,
and one that has a lever handle. ICs are removed or installed as follows:
Plain Socket IC Removal
Hook the IC removal tool under each end of the IC, and pull it out
of the socket, OR
Insert a small flat-bladed screwdriver under alternate ends, and
carefully pry them up until the IC comes out.
Plain Socket IC Installation
Press the IC into the socket firmly.
Lever Handle IC Socket Removal
Hold down the IC firmly with a finger, and
Pull the lever up. Remove the IC by hand.
Lever Handle IC Socket Insertion
Make sure the lever is up.
Insert the IC by hand.
Push the lever to one side to lock in the IC.