Appendix a.5. optional data arrays, Appendix a.5.1. relay confirmation state, Appendix a.5.2. est_types_da – FieldServer FS-8700-39 User Manual

Page 15: Appendix a.5.3. est_types_update, Appendix a.5

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FS-8700-39 EST3 Driver Manual

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Appendix A.5. Optional Data Arrays

When optional parameters (EST_Alarm_DA, EST_Trouble_DA, EST_Supervisory_DA, EST_Monitor_DA, or
EST_COActive_DA) are used, the driver automatically separates the Alarm Trouble, Supervisory, Monitor, CO
Active bit from the incoming EST message and places the bit(s) in these Data Arrays at the same offset as the
incoming message. Other types can be stored in EST_Others_DA Data Array. Only one Data type will be reported
as active at a particular time; i.e. if Alarm is reported Driver will set Alarm bit and reset corresponding bits from
Trouble, Supervisory and Monitor Data Arrays. The Driver does not correlate Other types with Alarm, Trouble,
Supervisory or Monitor types. For different point types the active bit has a different meaning. If the user is
interested in the meaning, the EST_Supervisory_DA Data Array should be configured. If the user is interested in
the raw value of the Active bit, the data array EST_Active_DA should be configured.

Appendix A.5.1. Relay Confirmation State

The driver can store the relay confirmation state of a point in a Data Array under the parameter
EST_Relay_Conf_DA parameter.

0 – Relay state is not confirmed;

1 – Relay state confirmed.

Appendix A.5.2. EST_Types_DA

If it is necessary to override the default Types and Category list (Appendix C.1.1) the EST_Types_DA parameter
should be used.


To put HEAT type into the “Monitor” category where all other defaults remain the same, preload the data array as


Data_Array_Name ,Preload_Data_Index ,Preload_Data_Value ,Length




Preload_Data_Index is the type of device and Preload_Data_Value holds the category for the specified device type.
The legal values for Preload_Data_Value are listed below



Supervisory 2


Monitor 4


CO Active


Appendix A.5.3. EST_Types_Update

If this parameter is not defined or is “yes”, the driver will update its internal driver list according to the parameters
preloaded under EST_Types_DA. If the parameter is set to “New List”, the driver will use ONLY the parameters
defined under EST_Types_DA and will not reference or update the default list at all. The driver will therefore not
store any data for types that do not have preloaded categories.