FIAT SPIDER 2000 User Manual

Page 54

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Be particularly careful to dry the less visible areas, such as the
door frames, hood and headlight housings, where standing
water can collect more easily. Similarly, avoid putting the car
in a closed space immediately after washing, so that air circu-
lation can help evaporate any trapped water.

Do not wash the car after it has been parked in the sun, or if

the hood is still hot, as this could adversely affect the brilliancy
of the paint.

The occasional use of a silicone car wax wilt give the paint-
work extra protection and keep it shiny. If the paintwork beco-

mes cloudy due to smog accumulation, a slightly abrasive light

wax polish can be used.

Body Underside

The less accessible areas of the underside and frame box
sections have already been treated to ensure longer duration.

Regular check-ups should be made on the car. The aim of these
is to survey the soundness of the body and mechanical compo-
nents, as well as to repair any damage. Particular attention
should be paid during check-ups to the drainage holes in the
underbody box frames and door frame undersides. These holes
serve to drain any water that may accumulate while driving the
car in the rain or while washing it, and so should be kept clear.