Fireplace installation – FMI MASONRY FIREBOX MM33 User Manual

Page 22

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You will find that the Grand Meridian Fireplace is de-

signed to be completely assembled on-site, consist-

ing of interlocking precast parts. Included is a thin-

set type mortar for bonding. The parts of the fireplace

are made of FMI’s incredibly strong blend of specialty

cement and a light weight aggregate.

IMPORTANT: When applying mortar, it is imperative

that the concrete blocks be maintained moist (not

soaking) so they don’t absorb the water out of the

mortar and cause adhesion to fail. Frequently run a

damp sponge to the parts before mortar is applied!
The installation of an anchor plate/damper for either


sonry chimney or pre-fabricated chimney is re-

quired but not supplied. See Accessories on page

The installation of a seismic strap kit is required but

not supplied. See Accessories on page 33.
An optional outside air kit can be used. See Acces-

sories on page 33.
Refractory Firebrick Liners also need to be installed.

These should be a minimum of 1⅛" thick. The liner

will be applied within the walls and hearth area of the

firebox. See Accessories on page 33.

Tools needed FoR InsTallaTIon:

One 4 ft. level

Roto-hammer with ½" drill bit

Drill motor with mixer blade to mix Mortar

Two empty 5 gallon buckets to mix Mortar

One wheelbarrow

and shovel to mix concrete

Grout bag

Triangular masonry trowel

Rubber hammer

Sponge and 2 water buckets to wipe down and

moisten parts prior to applying mortar

MaTeRIals needed FoR InsTallaTIon:

Epoxy for securing rebar in footing / foundation

Three (3) - 90 lb. bags of ready mix concrete with

¼" or smaller aggregate

Fireplace installation

MaTeRIals InClUded:
MM33, MM39, MM44, MM49:

8 - ⅜" Rebar x 28" Long

8 - ⅜" Rebar x 12" Long

1 - 50 lb. bucket Mortar

20 - Small Wood Shims


10 - ⅜" Rebar x 36" Long

10 - ⅜" Rebar x 12" Long

2 - 50 lb. bucket Mortar

20 - Small Wood Shims

FIeld asseMBlY PRoCedURes

Mixing the mortar – The mortar comes pre-mixed

and should be dry. Be sure to use clean water and

work it up into a mixture that is pasty but not lumpy.

If it’s too thin and the surfaces don’t stay moist, the

components will not adhere. Load the mixture into a

standard grout bag.
When applying, use about ½" thread of mortar. The

mortar bead should be approximately ½" away from

all edges. The mortar has a considerable amount of

holding power so do not overload the components

with too much mortar. Keep the components moist

at all times by wiping them down with a clean wet

Some mortar will “ooze out” when placing compo-

nents together, this is normal. Wipe excess away

with a trowel. Do not cover component surfaces com-

pletely with mortar. Do not apply the mortar in thick

bands even if the component you are working with is

larger than the rest. You will want to apply “stripes” of

mortar in these situations.
Make sure components are level. Checking lev-

elness after each layer. It’s extremely important

that you pay careful attention to how you are as-

sembling the Grand Meridian Fireplace since ev-

ery component builds on the next. If you have to

make any kind of an adjustment, do not try to do it

“by loading an opening” with mortar, this will only

result in a fireplace that will not be plumb or level.

Use wood shims instead.

You will find these small

wood shims supplied with the Fireplace and

This manual is related to the following products: