Hitachi 9900 Series User Manual
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information at the touch of a button. The robust GUI-oriented command screen for
Hitachi Graph-Track
is shown in Figure 26. Running on a PC attached to a dedicated
LAN, Hitachi Graph-Track
displays real-time or historical data for all connected
Lightning 9900
systems, helping users identify important peaks in utilization and ongoing
trends in processing. With Hitachi Graph-Track
, users can analyze discrete storage
activities and determine the precise impact of each activity on system operation. It
scrutinizes activity all the way to the logical device level, reporting on channel interface
processor usage rates, cache usage rate by function, and logical device utilization. This data
pinpoints specific activities that may have a negative impact on operations and lets the user
fine-tune the system so that it can be used to maximum advantage.
Hitachi Graph-Track
also highlights valuable cache information. Cache read/write
and read-hit ratios are reported in real time. Each system connected to Hitachi
can be tuned separately.
Hitachi LUN Manager simplifies configuration management and reduces
staffing costs
Hitachi LUN Manager is an open systems management utility. With Hitachi LUN
Manager, open systems Logical Units (LUNs) can be defined, configured, and maintained.
There is no more waiting for the hardware vendor to come and make configuration
changes. Hitachi LUN Manager includes an easy-to-use, GUI-based interface that allows
the easy definition of paths for LUNs, the reconfiguration of LUN-to-port assignments,
or the viewing of the Lightning 9900
remote service information messages. Because the
Hitachi LUN Manager can assign multiple paths to a single LUN, support of alternate path
failover, path load balancing, and clustered systems is possible. Running on a standard
-based PC connected to the storage subsystems by a dedicated LAN, Hitachi
LUN Manager can support up to eight Lightning 9900 systems.
Figure 26 – The GUI
interface on Hitachi
With Hitachi LUN
Manager support of
alternate path failover,
path load balancing,
and clustered systems
is enhanced.
Centralized and Open Systems Management Software Simplifies IT Operations