Sidechain, Controls – elysia mpressor Dual-Channel Creative Compressor User Manual

Page 7

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controls - sidechain

If the SC Extern button is active, compression

will not be controlled by the actual input signals

anymore, but by different audio signals which

are fed into a specially assigned buss.


Your host software must support this

functionality! If no buss is assigned to the side-

chain of the mpressor plug-in, activating the

SC Extern button will not produce the desired


If a duplicate of the input signal is processed

with an equalizer and then fed into the side-

chain input, for example, the result will be

frequency dependent compression. Another

example is to send the bass drum of a drum

sequencer into the sidechain input in order to

achieve nice groovy compression that is pump-

ing in time with the music.

The external sidechain is coupled with a fixed

high pass filter that has its cut-off frequency at

80 Hz with a slew rate of 6 dB per octave.

This reduces the influence of the low frequen-

cies in the sidechain on overall compression by

a certain amount in order to keep the effect as

balanced as possible.

SC buss assignment in Pro Tools

SC buss assignment in Cubase (VST 3)

SC buss assignment in Logic
