Release, Controls – elysia mpressor Dual-Channel Creative Compressor User Manual
Page 10

controls - release
The release parameter, on the other hand, has
a strong influence on the character of the com-
pression being obvious or unobtrusive to the
ear. As a general rule, linear or logarithmic re-
lease curves will be employed if a discreet per-
formance of the compressor is required.
It is characteristic of a logarithmic release that
the time constant shortens when the gain re-
duction raises. The advantage of this is that
short and loud peaks (e.g. drums) have a fast
release time, while the remaining material is
processed with a slower release time.
But if intentionally striking and creative com-
pression as well as producing new and inter-
esting sounds are the sought-after goals, it
definitely makes sense to turn the established
approach upside down. For this reason, you can
switch the release curve of the mpressor from
linear to antilogarithmic.
Compared to a logarithmic release curve, the ef-
fect of the Anti Log option behaves just the oth-
er way round: If the threshold point is passed,
the release time will no longer be shortened at
first. If the input signal starts to decline, howev-
er, the release time will become faster.
Standard linear release (dark) and Anti Log (light)