Ducking fx, Settings – elysia mpressor Dual-Channel Creative Compressor User Manual
Page 23

settings - ducking fx
Using the mpressor in combination with effect
units like reverb, delay or chorus processors cre-
ates fascinating results.
The important part in this case is that compres-
sion is applied after the signal has passed the
effects processor. The external sidechain, how-
ever, is fed with the original dry signal that is
also fed into the input of the FX unit.
If a drum track is processed with a reverb, for
example, the reverberation can be compressed
extremely strong so that it will almost vanish in
very loud parts at first.
It sounds different than only compressing the
reverberation without using the external side-
chain, because now the spatial part depends on
the dynamics of the original signal.
An electric piano which is processed with cho-
rus and delay effects can benefit from this
technique, too, as the chorus/delay effect will
become more and more prominent while the
played note decreases in volume.
It is important that all effect units only send
the pure effect signal (100 % wet) which is then
mixed to the dry signal on a parallel track.
If you are not 100 % sure what this is all about,
just think about it as a volume automation of
the effects buss - but this time not done by a
fader, but by an automated rhythmical process
controlled by the mpressor according to the val-
ues you have set.
Just give it a try - it’s so much fun!