iSys V36 User Manual
Page 29

Media cutter
The V36 plotter is equipped with an automatic media cutter. The cutter consists
of a hardened steel cutting wheel that is driven by a stepper motor and drive
cable. The cutter can be activated from the front panel if set in menu or from
a remote end of transmission (EOT) through the Versatec interface.
Top of form detect / media out
The V36 plotter contains a dual optical sensor pod that combines media out
detection and top-of-form (TOF) I-mark detection. The sensors use infrared
light, eliminating mechanical switches.
The top-of-form sensor consists of a focused infrared beam and receptor that
reacts to black top-of-form marks. The receptor sends a “stop form feed”
command to the logic circuitry if a mark stops the beam from reflecting back
into the receptor.
The paper sensor consists of an unfocused infrared beam and receptor. If the
receptor receives enough reflected light, the receptor will send no command.
If the reflected light is below the required level, the receptor sends a “paper
out” command to the logic circuitry and plotting stops. NO MEDIA is displayed
on the control panel.
Top-of-form marks must be positioned on the media according to the
specifications shown in Appendix F.
Interlock switches
The V36 plotter is equipped with two lid latch interlock switches to prevent
the plotter from operating when the lid is not fully closed. This prevents damage
to the thermal printhead.