Lynx Studio E44 User Manual
Page 25

in older Lynx products such as the LynxTWO when switched to a +4 trim setting. This refers
to a nominal +4dBu level with 16dB of headroom. Switching to Variable Trim changes the
Trim level to +6dBV – the same level of the LynxTWO and Aurora products when put into
the -10dBV trim position. This is the factory default state, but can be changed to the desired
reference level with the Trim Pots on the card itself. These levels can be set anywhere from
0dBV (consumer levels) to +24 dBu. With the variable trim option, any piece of gear from
low-end consumer audio pieces to high-end post production gear can be easily
accommodated. Input and output trims can be set independently for any pair of channels. The
E44 card will display trims for all four inputs and outputs, the E22 will show them for two
ins and outs. For details about setting input and output levels with the onboard Trim Pots, see
Section 8.3: Onboard Variable Trim Pots
7.3.3 Record Section
The top row of faders on the Main Screen is the Record Section of the Lynx Mixer. The
purpose of this section is to:
1. Show input signal meter activity.
2. Allow assignment of physical inputs to record devices within the operating system.
3. Manage the levels, routing, and pan positions of input signals being monitored through the
Lynx card’s outputs.
Eight channels will appear with an E44 card. Four channels for an E22. This section can be
“hidden” by clicking the RECORD button in the Lynx Mixer Toolbar. When the section is
hidden, all of the settings are still active. Clicking the RECORD button again will make the
section visible again.
Some of the controls and displays here are pertinent to the hardware inputs themselves and
some are specific to the hardware monitoring settings for that input. We will look in detail at
each control.
Input Source
This button reveals
which physical input
is assigned to the
Record Device at the
bottom of the pane.
The default
configuration is for
Analog Input 1 to be
assigned to Record 1,
Analog Input 2
assigned to Record 2,
etc. With an E44
eight record channels