Silent install or uninstall using a shortcut, Network install on multiple computers, Installing over existing deep freeze versions – Faronics Deep Freeze Enterprise User Manual

Page 97: Installing using imaging

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Silent Install or Uninstall



Deep Freeze Enterprise User Guide

Silent Install or Uninstall Using a Shortcut

Deep Freeze can be installed directly on a computer without having to use the installation dialog
box by completing the following steps.

1. Locate the Deep Freeze installation program file (DFWks.exe) on the target computer.

2. Right-click on the icon and choose Create Shortcut.

3. Right-click on the shortcut and choose Properties.

4. Edit the path of the Target field by typing /install or /uninstall at the end of the path.

Example Shortcut Target:
C:\Documents and Settings\DFWks.exe /install

Double-clicking on the new shortcut results in the immediate installation or uninstallation of Deep
Freeze, followed by a restart of the computer.

Deep Freeze must be in a Thawed state before /uninstall can be used.

Network Install on Multiple computers

The Silent Install System can also be used to install Deep Freeze on multiple computers over a
network. If the workstations on the network use logon scripts, the scripts can be used to install
Deep Freeze on all networked workstations automatically. All workstations will restart Frozen and
ready for use after installation has completed.

Use the following command line syntaxes to create an install error report log file:

\\Server Name\Share Name\DFWks.exe /Install >> my.log

Installing Over Existing Deep Freeze Versions

Unless the Update Deep Freeze Software feature is used (for Deep Freeze 6.5 and higher), all
existing Deep Freeze versions must be uninstalled prior to performing any new Deep Freeze

Installing Using Imaging

Deep Freeze has been designed to work with all major imaging and desktop management software.
Use either an Attended Install or the Silent Install to install Deep Freeze on a master image.

Deep Freeze must be prepared for deployment before finalizing a master image. To prepare the
master image for deployment complete the following steps:

1. Restart the computer into a Thawed state.

2. Launch Deep Freeze using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+F6. Alternatively, press

SHIFT and double-click the Deep Freeze icon in the System Tray.

3. Enter the password and click OK.

4. Click Set Clone Flag in the Boot Control tab.

If the hard drive is too fragmented, it is not possible to create ThawSpace(s). The
installation is aborted.

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