equinux SongGenie 2.2.7 User Manual

Page 21

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Managing additional web searches

By default, SongGenie includes several other web search sites which it will use
each time a manual web search is performed. These URLs can contain place-
holders, which will be substituted by the artist names or titles of the song for
which you’re searching. For example:

When you start a search for lyrics for Sunrise by Norah Jones the following
URL will be opened:

Have your favorite lyrics website? You can add this to SongGenie so that it
opens in a tab each time you run a Lyrics Web Search.

Adding your favorite lyrics search sites

‣ Click the “+” icon
‣ Enter the site’s URL. To insert a placeholder, click one of the placeholders

below the list of URLs.

‣ Press Return when finished

If you make a mistake you can edit the URL at any time.

Editing a site’s URL
‣ Click the URL you wish to edit
‣ Click the Pencil button
‣ Edit the URL
‣ Press Return

Get the feeling one of the lyrics sites gets you better results more often than
the others? You can make that site load first.

To change the site loading order

‣ Click and drag the site to the position you want it to load

Websites change often. If you find a site isn’t giving you the lyrics you want
any more you can either disable or remove this site from SongGenie alto-

To temporarily disable a site

Deselect the ‘Active’ checkbox for the site you wish to deactivate. If a page is
not selected, it will not be loaded when starting a web search.

To permanently remove a site from the list
‣ Click a page to select it
‣ Click “–” below the list of URLs